Educational Accreditation Bodies in Brazil
Accreditation is the evaluation tool used to ensure a high level of quality in education. There are many accreditation bodies that work with the Ministry of Education (Ministerio da Educacao) to evaluate and maintain the quality of education throughout the country.
Ministry of Education (Ministerio da Educacao)
The Ministry of Education is responsible for offering technical and financial assistance to the municipalities, federal and state school systems, drafting education legislations, supporting the network of federal education institutions and directing the private education system.
Department of Higher Education (Secretaria de Educacao Superior)
The Department of Higher Education (SESu) is the unit of the Ministry of Education that is in charge of planning, managing, guiding and administering of higher education policies and the National Education Plan. The SESu is also responsible for managing and administering the federal institutions of higher education as well as private higher education institutions.
National Board of Education (Conselho Nacional de Educacao)
The National Board of Education (CNE) is a division within the Ministry of education that is set up in 1996. It acts as a regulatory body covering both public and private sectors. It is responsible for the accreditation of tertiary education institutions applying to be Universities, formulates curriculum guidelines for Undergraduate programs, authorizes the formation of new degrees, and put forward and sanctions laws and rules for higher education sector.
National System of Higher Education Assessment (Sistema Nacional da Avaliacao da Educacao Superior)
The National System of Higher Education Assessment (SINAES) evaluates the higher education institutions, courses and student academic performance. The SINAES assesses all facets revolving around these areas: teaching, research, social responsibility, student academic performance, the management of the institution, the faculty, facilities, and various other facets.
National Commission for Higher Education Evaluation (Commisao Nacional de Avaliacao de Educacao Superior)
The National Commission for Higher Education Evaluation (CONAES) is responsible for the organization, management and administration of the National System of Higher Education Evaluation or Sistema Nacional de Avaliacao da Educacao Superior (SINAES). CONAES assesses the processes and procedure of the institutional evaluation of the courses/programs and students performance, set up guidelines for the organization, review reports, prepare plans for the growth and expansion of the higher education institutions.
The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior)
The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) is responsible for the evaluation of graduate courses/programs as well as encouraging international scientific cooperation. CAPES is in charge for the accreditation of postgraduate stricto sensu courses/degree programs in Brazil. CAPES manage and supervise the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program scholarship in collaboration with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development or CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico).
Council of Rectors of Brazilian Universities (Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Brasileiras)
The Council of Rectors of Brazilian Universities (CRUB) is responsible to encourage the growth and expansion of high quality tertiary institutions and degree programs in Brazil. The CRUB conducts an evaluation procedure to advance the institutional development of universities.
For more details see official website: